Schooling enrolment


  • The beginning of term starts on Monday 26 September 2022 at 10:00.
  • The annual enrolment fee for 2022/2023 is 760 euros.
    These fees must be paid by post at the latest by Monday 1st September 2022. If not, the candidate will lose his/her place which will be offered to the first person on the waiting list.
  • Le Fresnoy supports students' applications for grants from France or abroad.
  • For any further queries about student life, housing, financial help, social security, insurance…
  • Contact :

To accompany, on a theoretical, artistic, and technical level, the projects created by the young artist-students, each year the Fresnoy's pedagogic program includes:

- lectures on theory and history treating of the various fields of contemporary art-making)

- workshops whose purpose is to familiarize fledgling artists with the use of tools prior to starting production of their projects, the theme and content being elucidated in accordance with the specific requirements of each project

- courses of a general nature, on intellectual property rights or the challenges associated with the preparation of an exhibition catalog, for example


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Accompagnement pédagogique

  • Marianne Alphant (consultant)
  • Daniel Dobbels (consultant)
  • Olivier Perriquet (research project manager)

Technical Instructors:

  • Aurélie Brouet (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Solène Secq (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • Alexandre Peschmann (image post-production department)
  • Mike Dijon (IT)
  • Cyprien Quairiat et François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director: Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
  • Production Managers: Estelle BÉNAZET, Lucie BERCEZ, Guylaine HUET, Barbara MERLIER, Bruno MORAT, Katell PAILLARD Pauline THYSS, Stéphane SMOGOR, Elodie WATTIAUX


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Marianne Alphant (consultant)
  • Daniel Dobbels (consultant)
  • Olivier Perriquet (research project manager)

Visiting Artists Professors

  • Athina Tsangari
  • Dora Garcia
  • Ben Russell
  • Laure Prouvost
  • Emanuele Coccia
  • Joan Fontcuberta

Technical Instructors:

  • Cédric Martinez (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • --- (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Mike Dijon (IT)
  • Cyprien Quairiat et François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director: Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
  • Production Managers: - Barbara Merlier, Elodie Wattiaux, Estelle Benazet, François Willig, Guylaine Huet, Katell Paillard, Lucie Bercez, Marion Pillas, Stéphane Smogor


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren (consultant)
  • Daniel Dobbels (consultant)
  • Olivier Perriquet (research project manager)

Visiting Artists Professors

  • Athina Tsangari
  • Dora Garcia
  • Ben Russell
  • Laure Prouvost
  • Emanuele Coccia
  • Joan Fontcuberta

Exhibition Panorama 23


Technical Instructors:

  • Cédric Martinez (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Mike Dijon (IT)
  • Cyprien Quairiat et François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
  • Production Managers : Barbara Merlier, Bertrand Scalabre, Elodie Wattiaux, Estelle Benazet, François Willig, Guylaine Huet Katell Paillard, Lucie Bercez, Marion Pillas, Pauline Delwaulle


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren (consultante)
  • Daniel Dobbels (consultant)
  • Olivier Perriquet (research project manager)

Visiting Artists Professors

Exposition Panorama 22



Technical Instructors:

  • Cédric Martinez (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Mike Dijon (IT)
  • Cyprien Quairiat et François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director: Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
  • Production Managers: Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Katell Paillard, Laurent Delplanque, Pauline Delwaulle et François Willig


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels
  • Olivier Perriquet

Visiting Artists Professors

Exhibition Panorama 21


  • Ariel Schweitzer
  • Jean-Marc LEVY LEBLOND
  • Manuela DE BARROS
  • Jacques Parsi
  • Katia KAMELI
  • Pierre Eugène
  • Norbert HILLAIRE


Technical Instructors:

  • Cédric Martinez (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Arnaud Mathieu(IT)
  • Christophe Gregorio and François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
  • Production Managers : Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Katell Paillard, Laurent Delplanque


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels

Visiting Artists Professors

Exhibition Panorama 20


  • Marie-Pierre Duhamel-Müller
  • Fernando Ganzo
  • Jean-Christophe Bailly
  • Samuel Bianchini
  • Nicole Brenez
  • Emanuele Coccia


Technical Instructors:

  • Cédric Martinez (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Arnaud Mathieu(IT)
  • Christophe Gregorio and François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Luc-Jérôme Bailleul
  • Production Managers : Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Katell Paillard, Laurent Delplanque


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels

Visiting Artists Professors

Exhibition Panorama 19



Technical Instructors:

  • Julien Guillery (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Arnaud Mathieu(IT)
  • Christophe Gregorio and François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Jacky Lautem
  • Production Managers : Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Katell Paillard, Laurent Delplanque


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels

Visiting Artists Professors

Exhibition Panorama 18



Technical Instructors:

  • Julien Guillery (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Arnaud Mathieu(IT)
  • Christophe Gregorio and François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Jacky Lautem
  • Production Managers : Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Katell Paillard, Laurent Delplanque


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels

Visiting Artists Professors

  • Arnaud Petit
  • Cyril Teste
  • Manon de Boer
  • Patrick Bailly Maître Grand
  • Ramy Fischler
  • Vincent Dieutre

Exhibition Panorama 17

  • Curator: Didier Semin



Technical Instructors:

  • Jean-René Lorand (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Arnaud Mathieu and Vincent Kalb (IT)
  • Christophe Gregorio and François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Jacky Lautem
  • Production Managers : Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Amélie Dubois, Laurent Delplanque


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels

Visiting Artists Professors

  • Jean-Claude Brisseau
  • Bernard Faucon
  • Robert Henke
  • Bertrand Lamarche
  • Thomas McIntosh
  • Ben Rivers

Exhibition Panorama 16

  • Curator: Matthieu Orléan


  • Jean-Pierre Touati
  • Anne Tronche
  • Benjamin Weil et Christiane Paul

Technical Instructors:

  • Jean-René Lorand (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Marc Saison et Vincent Kalb (IT)
  • Richard Campagne et François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Jacky Lautem
  • Production Managers : Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Elodie Wattiaux, Barbara Merlier, Amélie Dubois, Laurent Delplanque


Education Coordinators

  • François Bonenfant (Cinema and visual arts)
  • Eric Prigent (Digital arts)

Teaching Supervisors

  • Madeleine Van Doren
  • Daniel Dobbels

Visiting Artists Professors

  • Caroline Champetier
  • Claire Denis
  • Miguel Gomes
  • Nicolas Moulin
  • Jean-François Peyret
  • Nicolas Reeves

Exhibition Panorama 15

  • Curator: Arnaud Laporte


  • Elise Domenach
  • Bernard Eisenschitz
  • Franck Madlener
  • Catherine Perret
  • Nicolas Thely
  • Jean-Pierre Touati

Technical Instructors:

  • Jean-René Lorand (Studio for filming techniques and HD)
  • Olivier Anselot (Photo lab)
  • Blandine Tourneux (Sound department)
  • David Chantreau (image post-production department)
  • Marc Saison et Vincent Kalb (IT)
  • Richard Campagne et François Bedhomme (Sets and decor studio)
  • Pascal Buteaux (Technical director)

Production Team

  • Production Director : Jacky Lautem
  • Production Managers: Estelle Bénazet, Bertrand Scalabre, Guylaine Huet, Lucie Bercez, Emmanuel Debriffe, Barbara Merlier, Amélie Dubois