Omens Bloom in the Dark - Film de Timothée Engasser
Omens Bloom in the Dark
De Timothée Engasser, film 2024, 17min
It is a looming, creeping threat that interferes with thoughts, bodies and looks. Through incessant dreams and strange events, an inner anguish spreads and is transformed into persecution mania. With its infinite vines, a plant haunts both minds and the surfaces it overgrows.
Faced with deep anguish at irremediable change, this vine represents an omen of our changing worlds. These famous auguries that anthropologist Ana Tsing invites us to perceive through the ruins of our time.
According to conspiracy theories, this vine embodies a strange, even alien evil, which is purportedly there to invade and contaminate. This misshapen green mass advances relentlessly in silence, but this hypothetical contagion reveals much more than anxiety about death. It’s as if this unimaginable plant could strike us down through the spectacle of the mirror of our own disproportion.
- Réalisateur: Timothée Engasser
- Assistante Réalisatrice: Mia Oustry
- Assistante Mise En Scène: Mia Oustry
- Design Sonore: Julia Stern
- Mixage son: Grégoire Chauvot
- Étalonnage: Baptiste Évrard
- Image: Timothée Engasser
- Fixeur: Antonio Lewis Demetrius
- Montage: Garance Scharf
- Ingénieur du son: Théo Peruchon
- Monteur Son: Théo Peruchon
Oeuvre de Timothée Engasser produite par Le Fresnoy :
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