L'Alternative - Film de Hissen Albathaoui & Benoit Martin

En collaboration avec Hissen Albathaoui

image de l'oeuvre L'Alternative de Hissen Albathaoui & Benoit Martin

De Hissen Albathaoui & Benoit Martin, film 2023, 17min

  • 2023 - Exhibition Panorama 25 au Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing de Tourcoing (FR)

The Alternative is a documentary portrait of two young men, respectively from Chad and Sudan, Hissen Albathaoui, and Gamal Nasser aka Meno G. Now exiled in Manchester, they have survived the Holocaust of migration to Europe. Cinema and rap are for them a way of living their lives, of expressing their freedom while healing the wounds left by exile and its traumatic journey. They talk about their personal lives, while offering an unfiltered and lucid vision of the war, the conditions in which refugees are received in Europe, the indifference towards their fate, the corruption of the elites and French interference in Africa.

Crédits Credits
  • Interprétations: Hissen Albathaoui, Meno G
  • Image: Benoit Martin, Sylvain Briend, Hissen Albathaoui
  • Montage image: Benoit Martin, Hissen Albathaoui
  • Prise de son: Benoit Martin
  • Musique: Prone Da Beatmurder, Meno G, Hissen Albathaoui
  • Montage son: Tom Nollet, Mondine Odin
  • Mixage: Tom Nollet
  • Accompagnement artistique: Basma al-Sharif
Images de l'oeuvre
  • Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing

Oeuvre de Hissen Albathaoui produite par Le Fresnoy :

Oeuvres de Benoit Martin produites par Le Fresnoy :

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