Halves Through Night / نصفين الليل - Film de Lina Laraki
Halves Through Night / نصفين الليل
De Lina Laraki, film 2021, 11min
Barzakh is a term of Persian origin which designates an intermediary place between the living and the dead. More precisely, it signifies the distance or time that both separates and inserts itself between these two worlds. Halves Through Night explores this veiled space in which beings are in suspense, disembodied from the real, and belong to no place. When repairing a car engine and deciding to disappear into the city, Layl experiences strange phenomena. He opens up to what is still unknown about the plurality of worlds and their inhabitants as the night closes in around him. The film probes the possibility of a hybrid body in a crisis zone, itself becoming a territory where purity is impossible. He vacillates between an alienated experience and the mystique of the real.
- Scénario: Lina Laraki
- Interprétation: Ibrahim Karansal, Mohamed Mezidi
- Image: Samuel Esselinckx
- Son: Ludivine Pelé
- Montage son: Thomas Becka
- Mixage: Yannick Delmaire
Oeuvres de Lina Laraki produites par Le Fresnoy :
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