Panorama 19

L'événement est terminé

The annual meeting of the creation made ​​in Fresnoy.

From September 23 2015 to December 31, 2016

(...) There are, then, works. Well, that there are works is obvious, just as we might say it’s raining or it’s muggy. It is not easy to define the fog or the rain, but their effect is undeniable. The exhibition at Le Fresnoy assembles that curious meteorological field in which masses of hot and cold air, dampness, evaporations and reliefs create an entire thermodynamic and the whole defines, not an exhibition, but a climate. That all this takes place in the very intensely poetic milieu of the school makes it fascinating for the curator, who comes along and all too quickly parades his plumage among the artists, the students and visiting teachers. (...)
Jean de Loisy, juillet 2017

With :

Commissaire : Jean de Loisy
Scénographe : Christophe Boulanger 