ROMY quatre jours - Film de Jade Jouvin
ROMY quatre jours
De Jade Jouvin, film 2024, 16min 58s
In a forest near the motorway, Valérie finds herself in the same situation as forty years ago, when she ran away from her parents’ council flat. In the winter of 2024, at her daughter’s request, Valérie puts on a performance as her icon, Romy Schneider.
For the last 6 years, I have been making films that examine the family unit by having the members of my family play themselves. In ROMY quatre jours, I zoom in on one of the members of the family world: my mother, Valérie Jouvin.
The child as spectacle and spectator is a dominant figure in my work. The camera, like a memory box, is on the shoulder as long as Valérie is alone. It is put on its support when I enter the scene. The film ends as it began, with the difference that Jade is watching Valérie do her thing.
- Assistante Mise En Scène: Alice Rogeaux
- Chef opérateur: Guillaume Brault
- Assistant·Es Caméraman: Nicolas François, Emma Delescluse
- Ingénieur du son: Pierre Dernoncourt
- Maquillage: Lisa Si Salem
- Régie: Sofiane Tali
- Assistant de régie: Enzo Wailliez Petrucci
- Assistant montage image: Noé Grenier
- Étalonnage: Baptiste Évrard
- Montage son: Benjamin Poilane
- Mixage son: Luc Aureille
- Chargé De Production: Stéphane Smogor
- Scénario: Christophe Pellet
- Direction D'Acteur: Ludovic Lechat
- Accompagnement artistique: Macha Makeïeff
- Stagiaire: Justin Dematte
- Regards: Anne Eppler, Jean-Baptiste Georjon
- Consultante Artistique: Lydie Jean-Dit-Pannel
- Interprétation: Valérie Jouvin
- Co-Écriture: Valérie Jouvin
- Catering: Marie De Cysoing
- Traduction: Ombeline Jouvin
- Graphiste Affiche: Anna Chevance
Oeuvre de Jade Jouvin produite par Le Fresnoy :
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