Synchrones - Film de Jean-Baptiste Georjon
De Jean-Baptiste Georjon, film 2024, 18min 40s
Most of the time, shifting is something people do after nightfall. Luna and Ether have experienced a few symptoms but have yet not managed. Pauline has succeeded once without really expecting it, while Fato and Tristan have found a method of their own that they now master effortlessly thanks to sleep paralysis. In effect, shifting is like temporarily taking leave of our world. Somewhere between meditation and self-hypnosis, consciousness enables the body to thought-travel within a desired reality. Using a script, shifters determine in advance the nature of their environment, their short-term objectives and their vocation in this world that will be there for them for as long as they wish. I suggested that five shifters meet up and try the experiment together. All that remains is to find the right method to achieve this and collectively test the reality of an elsewhere formulated on common ground.
- Interprètess: Fato Abro, Luna Anti, Tristan Couchot, Pauline Jacob, Ether Rouchouze
- Assistante Réalisation: Marie Ward
- Cheffe Opératrice: Aurore Toulon
- Directeur de casting: Clément Pérot
- Assistant Caméraman: Helios Faustin
- Ingénieur du son: Solenn Desfarges
- Assistant ingénieur du son: Jasper Blankenagel
- Chef électricien: Ambre Lapauw
- Cheffe Décoratrice: Margot Griffon
- Régie général: Clara Quenderff
- Catering: Skander Mestiri
- Assistante De Régie: Cécilia Diette
- Réalisation: Jean-Baptiste Georjon
- Montage image: Jean-Baptiste Georjon
- Étalonnage: Aurore Toulon
- Accompagnement artistique: Macha Makeïeff
- Montage son: Franck Di Razza
- Assistant montage son: Justin Dematte
- Mixage: Luc Aureille
- Musique originale: Loïs Saumande
Oeuvre de Jean-Baptiste Georjon produite par Le Fresnoy :
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