Digitalis - Installation de Lea Collet
De Lea Collet, installation 2023
Unprecedented processes of mutation and mutualism through flowers and artificial intelligence.
Using science fiction as a starting point, this project features a group of nine students from the Marie-Curie secondary school in Tourcoing. Together, the group is trying to mutate, to metamorphose into a flower. They evolve in collaboration with an artificial imagination. They meet scientists in plant biology and observe Brendel's models, reproductions of anatomical flowers made in the 19th century from papier-mâché and other materials.
Collectively, the nine students initiate a process of creating new identities, of human-flower crossbreeding, taking the form of technological creatures. Through filmic images, floral masks, neural networks and 3D modelling, the bodies of the young teenagers metamorphose into hybrid, "botanical-humanoid" entities.
- Chef opérateur: Chloé Terren
- Assistant caméra: Cyan Jayr
- Caméra: Thomas Weyland
- Ingénieur du son: Karl Levacher, Pierre Dernoncourt, Romain Gontier
- Chef électricien: Nino Vincent
- Assistant électricien·ne: Nathan Pilon
- Stagiaire: Nazif Can Akçali
- Design Floral: Renaud Leflamand
- Montage image: Lea Collet
- Entrainement Intelligence artificielle: Lea Collet
- Création 3D: Paul Jacques Yves Guilbert
- Musique originale: Minh Boutin
- Étalonnage: Chloé Terren
- Montage son: Nicolas Verhaeghe
- Sound design: Nicolas Verhaeghe
- Assistant montage son: Mondine Ondin
- Mixage: Sébastien Cabour
- Programmation: Sébastien Cabour, Claire Pollet
- Construction: Brice Nouguès
- Conception Robot: Julie Machin
- Impression 3D: Sara Ytic
- Assistant construction: Julie Machin
- Assistant costume: Sara Ytic
- Conception parfum: Ilana Kahn
- Accompagnement artistique: Cécile B. Evans
- Chargé.e de production: Elodie Wattiaux
Oeuvres de Lea Collet produites par Le Fresnoy :
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