LOVER - Film de Ella Altman
De Ella Altman, film 2023, 15min
Ella, directress, invites an actress to portray her lover in a war film set in Dunkirk. As the actress tries to understand Ella's intentions, the filming of their fictional romance spirals into a seductive battle. The film, starring Naama Preis, explores the moral boundaries of an actress-directress relationship.
- Scénario: Ella Altman
- Interprétation: Naama Preis, Ella Altman
- Image: Pierre Nativel
- Montage image: Ella Altman
- Ingénieur du son: Valentin Gelin, Salomé Renaud
- Montage son: Valentine Gelin, Ella Altman
- Mixage: Yannick Delmaire
- Musique: Ella Altman
- Accompagnement artistique: Basma al-Sharif
Oeuvres d'Ella Altman produites par Le Fresnoy :
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