Love & Revenge - Film de Anhar Salem

Love & Revenge

image de l'oeuvre Love & Revenge de Anhar Salem

De Anhar Salem, film 2021

  • Mar.1970 - Prix de la ville de Clermont-Ferrand
  • Mar.1970 - Mention du jury étudiant
  • Jan.2021 - Prix Révélation Art numérique - Art vidéo ADAGP
  • Jan.2021 - Prix Around Video Art Fair

Posing, selfies, and the imaginary freedom through a journey into a girl teen's practises on social media. The desire to exist only as an image collapsed when she lost the control over her avatar. From a distance, Anhar casts two girls who are shooting and acting for the movie as fictionalized versions of themselves. Exploring and hovering between private and public life.

Images de l'oeuvre
  • Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing

Oeuvres d'Anhar Salem produites par Le Fresnoy :

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