Le soleil brillera toujours - Film de Vera Hector
Le soleil brillera toujours
De Vera Hector, film 2021
A black panther watches over sleepers; a community living on a wasteland near the railway tracks, among them the magic child Nour. Two men follow him through the post-industrial landscape around Lille. The poachers immediately fall into a mortal sleep, in circumstances that are mysterious. A kind of panther. Nour is ready to travel. To write a song for the sleepers of the world. As much a lamentation as a hymn, digging into the wall-less night this dream drawn in the dust.
- Scénario: Vera Hector
- Interprétation: Mohamed Belmehdi, Jean Tramier, Edouard Faucheu
- Image: Juliette Barrat
- Montage image: Vera Hector
- Son: Florent Tupin
- Montage image: Mederic Corroyer
- Montage son: Luc Aureille
- Mixage: Geoffrey Durcak
- Accompagnement artistique: Laure Prouvost
Oeuvres de Vera Hector produites par Le Fresnoy :
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