Be Maybe May - Film de Olivier Jonvaux

Be Maybe May

image de l'oeuvre Be Maybe May de Olivier Jonvaux

De Olivier Jonvaux, film 2021, 11min

In a parallel universe where Mies Van der Rohe’s pavilion is transformed into a service station in the middle of the desert, a white cat lives a peaceful life. Its daily existence is built around habits and it is perfectly at ease with that. A disturbing companion, like a maleficent double, warns it of an imminent threat and the reality seems very different. Bunches of grapes placed on a bench evaporate as if by magic, ushering in the threatening arrival of a giant fugu fish. Marble becomes steel, glass becomes fabric, brick becomes wood. About these unexplained phenomena, the cat chats freely in its scatty, casual way. It is determined to stand at the frontier between reality and fiction. A tragi-comic quest for identity, at the intersection of the surrealist worlds of Lewis Carroll, the light of Edward Hopper and the memes of the post-digital age.

Crédits Credits
  • Scénario: Olivier Jonvaux
  • Chef opérateur: Guillaume Brault
  • Assistant 3D: Thomas Léon
  • Chef opérateur: Guillaume Brault
  • Assistant caméra: Nicolas François
  • Dresseur.euse: Valérie Chavanon
  • Montage son: Médéric Corroyer
  • Musicien: Thomas Bloch
  • Voix: Younick Yvenou
  • Design graphique: Sarah Vadé
  • Étalonnage: Baptiste Évrard
  • Mixage: Geoffrey Durcak
  • Montage image: Ludovic De Oliveira
  • Accompagnement artistique: Laure Prouvost
Images de l'oeuvre
  • Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing
  • Cinéanimal

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