Béton des anges - Film de Vera Hector
Béton des anges
De Vera Hector, film 2020, 25min
On the edge of the world, where love and time are dead, I thought I saw angels.
To these figures to which I gave my heart, I wanted to dedicate a musical drama. A modern melodrama in which the violins are replaced by machines and in which lyricism doggedly haunts the bare décor. It’s all about finding a rhythm despite the sonorised vulgarity that they call life.
- Interprétations: Amélie-Gio Peterli, Vera Hector
- Assistant réalisation: Mario Valero Palacín
- Image: Juliette Barrat
- Électricité: Marie Gramond
- Décoration: Sarah Schneider
- Musique originale: Alexandra Norelli
- Musique: Fierro Ex Machina
- Mixage: Arno Ledoux
Oeuvres de Vera Hector produites par Le Fresnoy :
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