Generatia de sacrificiu - Film de Jean-Christophe

Generatia de sacrificiu

image de l'oeuvre Generatia de sacrificiu de Jean-Christophe

De Jean-Christophe , film 2011

  • 2011 - Exhibition Panorama 13 au Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing de Tourcoing (FR)
  • Jan.2011 - Prix professionnel

In the 1980’s the network of spies of young Romanians was well infiltrated throughout all neighborhoods in Bucharest: at schools, in their families and other private settings. Not only did they spy on their friends at school or their teachers, but also on their families.

“The children of Ceausescu” represent the generation of sacrifce. Thirty years after the violent execution of the head of state, access to the ?les created by the Securitate, or the secret police, can be studied. It would all but seem that some Romanians have preferred not to leave any trace of their allusive tradition.

Images de l'oeuvre
Processus de création
    Genera?ia de sacrificiu
  • Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing

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