Artiste étudiante

Marissa Viani Serrano

Promotion Manoel de Oliveira ( 2015 - 2017 )

Née à Mexico (Mexique) en 1986


Marissa Viani is a Mexican artist based between France and Mexico. After her studies in literature and philosophy, she began a career in cinema and graduated from the CCC of Mexico in 2013. She furthered her education at the ENSAD in Paris where she graduated in 2015. As a director, she has made several fictional, documentary and experimental short films that have been shown in many film festivals and visual art exhibitions worldwide. She also works as a producer, editor, assistant director and script girl in the cinema, television and advertising.


Réalisatrice, productrice, monteuse, assistante de réalisation et scripte.
Formations : littéraire et cinématographique.
Diplômée du CCC de Mexico.
ENSAD de Paris.
Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts Contemporains.

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