Dew Point - Film de Nicola Baratto
Dew Point
De Nicola Baratto, film 2024, 15min 30s
Dew Point is an experimental sci-fi film inspired by dream incubation rituals and the ancient practice of dew harvesting. Building its poetics on an enigmatic alchemical treatise, the film fabulates on a person who experiences a form of amnesia after having a terrifying nightmare. His mind is so fogged that he cannot remember anything past and cannot create new memories. As he finds himself in a mysterious Sleep & Memory lab a young doctor attempts to cure him through a magical curative water. In a trance-like state, the doctor guides the patient towards the top of an arid mountain where ‘fog catchers’ transform mist into water droplets. To re-orient his mnemonic, psychological and spiritual states of being, a transformation of matter is required, and the patient must distil the fog through the act of dew harvesting.
- Réalisateur: Nicola Baratto
- Cheffe Opératrice: Aurore Toulon
- Actrice: Magdalena Mitterhofer
- Acteurice: Maziar Firouzi
- Figuration: Alan Affichard, Amer Albarzawi, Milon Anthedemos, Brieuc Schieb, Achref Toumi
- Assistants Réalisateur: Hala Namer, Maëlle Tocaben
- Directeur De La Photographie: Aurore Toulon
- Assistant Caméraman: Lucas Plançon
- Électricien Prise De Vue: Benoit Lancial
- Preneur De Son: Andres G. Vidal
- Costumier: G. & G. Nordio
- Directeur·Trice·S Artistiques: Nicola Baratto, Maëlle Tocaben
- Producteur Délégué: Leonardo Ruvolo
- Superviseur Du Scénario: Aleksandre Zharaya
- Preneur De Son: Abdourrahman Benaroub
- Producteur: Alia Belgsir
- Assistant Caméraman: Leonardo Ruvolo
- Consultant Scientifique: Jamila Bargach, Corey Andrews
- Montage image: Nicola Baratto, Leone Maria Kervischer
- Musique originale: Circular Ruins
- Montage son: Luc Aureille
- Bruitage: Francesco G. Gagliardi
- Mixage son: Tom Nollet
- Étalonnage: Nicola Baratto, Aurore Toulon
Oeuvre de Nicola Baratto produite par Le Fresnoy :
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