Still Static - Film de Adam Kaplan
Still Static
De Adam Kaplan, film 2022, 22min
Following a traumatic event, an older couple develops a mysterious disease - their skin is radiating with a glow of outdated media.
Both, a cameraman who documented an horrific event and a woman who obsessively watch the same tape, are trapped in a loop of memories as they slowly fade away like a worn-out magnetic tape.
- Scénarios: Adam Kaplan, Nir Shauloff
- Interprétation: Miri Schneps, Marek Rozenbaum, Bertrand Kochman
- Image: Gilad Baram
- Montage image: Adam Kaplan
- Montage son: Ludivine Pelé
- Mixage: Geoffrey Durcak
- Accompagnement artistique: Edith Dekyndt
Oeuvre d'Adam Kaplan produite par Le Fresnoy :
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