Tohu va bohu - Film de Lou Le Forban
Tohu va bohu
De Lou Le Forban, film 2022, 13min
They spin, wobble, shake and leap. Out of the corner of my eye, I see bottles being knocked over, then I see my hands trembling, rejecting the food they were raising to my mouth only a moment ago. We can’t help ourselves, the dance contaminates us, transports us and intoxicates us in a swirl of hair, sweat and feathers. Some scream, others wet themselves. The village is on its knees. The feet pound the arid ground, the storm sets the tempo.
- Scénario: Lou Le Forban
- Interprétation: Anaïs Barras, Daniel Peñaranda Restrepo, Kobas Verschuren, Yixuan Xiao, Yurika Sophie Yamamoto
- Image: Bastien Rebena
- Effets spéciaux: Philippe Cuxac
- Montage image: Lou Le Forban, Lou Morlier
- Son: Déborah Drelon
- Montage son: Titouan Dumesnil, Angèle Desrumaux, Antoine Cottais
- Mixage: Yannick Delmaire
- Accompagnement artistique: Kris Verdonck
Oeuvres de Lou Le Forban produites par Le Fresnoy :
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