Ensauvage-moi - Film de Lou Morlier
De Lou Morlier, film 2021, 30min
We followed a wolf trail over some three kilometres. We came to a specific point, on a cliff’s edge, where the wolf had written with its urine, “Eat your dead, humans.” We are very surprised. Over.
- Scénario: Lou Morlier
- Interprétation: Léo Belon, Baptiste Fauche, Madiana Kane Vieyra
- Image: Lou Morlier, Maïa Morlier
- Montage image: Lou Morlier, Louis Rieu
- Son: Lou Morlier
- Montage son: Victor Lenoir, François-Xavier Delaby
- Mixage: François-Xavier Delaby
- Accompagnement artistique: Dora Garcia
Oeuvre de Lou Morlier produite par Le Fresnoy :
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