Une adresse au monde - Film de Chuxun Ran
Une adresse au monde
De Chuxun Ran, film 2021, 18min
This film does not carry a story that would encourage them to unfold it with a beginning, a plot and a dénouement. The house was no longer inhabited. There now exists an address in the world, an address of the house itself. It can live without a form of life.
- Scénario: Chuxun Ran
- Interprétation: Chuxun Ran
- Image: Juliette Barrat
- Montage image: Yuyan Wang, Chuxun Ran
- Son: Déborah Drelon
- Montage son: Martin Delzescaux
- Mixage: Martin Delzescaux
- Accompagnement artistique: Dora Garcia
Oeuvres de Chuxun Ran produites par Le Fresnoy :
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