Artiste étudiant

Varun Sasindran

Promotion Chantal Akerman ( 2016 - 2018 )

Né à Kerala (Inde) en 1987


Varun Sasindran is thirty-one years old and grew up in the Indian state of Kerala, where he was born. In 2008 he graduated with a degree in electronic engineering and communication and continued his studies in software development. Four years later, he left his job to study cinema. His desire to make films was inspired by his experiences at international film festivals. Later, he obtained a post-diploma qualification in Visual Media at Calicut University under the director of C.S. Biju, director of the Centre for Research and Cultural Studies in South Asia and continued with an MA at the Sarajevo Film Academy. He is now at Le Fresnoy - Studio national, which he found out about through Alain Fleischer at a workshop in Sarajevo.


2016 Sarajevo Film Academy
2015 Installation vidéo : travaille dans une équipe pour réaliser un collage vidéo pour ITFOK (International Theatre Festival of Kerala)
2014 Projection de la vidéo dans un théâtre en plein air
2014 Travaille dans une équipe pour l'installation vidéo sous la direction de Midhun Mohan à la Biennale de Kochi Muziris.
2014 Diplôme post-universitaire en Visual Media Studies, Centre for Media Studies, Thrissur

Productions de Varun Sasindran

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